Schoenberg: Pelleas und Melisande, Op. 5 – Transposed Bass Clarinet Part


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This is a bass clarinet part to Arnold Schoenberg’s Pelleas und Melisande, Op. 5. It has been transposed from the original into Bb treble clef, and was tested by André Moisan in the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal. This one didn’t make it into Volume Four or Volume Five for a variety of reasons, so you are free to download it at no cost.

Currently available for download is Version 2 of the part. If you previously downloaded this, you should have received an email with Version 2. If not, either drop me an email or download it again.

Click here for an original untransposed copy of the bass clarinet part at IMSLP.

Please note that this piece is likely public domain in the US and Canada only. Please obey the copyright laws of your country, as we do not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.